TRIED FOR AN AS-YET UNDEFINED CRIME: How can it still not yet be determined what law defines the crime?!

The real crime, of course, is simply being Donald Trump. Let’s see him talk his way out of that!


If Trump is convicted, just ask people *what* Trump was convicted of? I’ll bet no one — not even the jurors who convicted him — would be able to state the answer correctly.

I myself can’t do it, and I have tried to understand what the crime supposedly is. I even suspect the judge and the prosecutors don’t know!

What the hell kind of conviction will this be — conviction of a crime that no one understood, based on the testimony of a huge liar?

Blue State justice.

MARGOT CLEVELAND: I Researched Judicial Ethics Rules For Years. Here’s Why The Alito Recusal Calls Are Ridiculous.

The false flag of an ethical scandal was clear from The New York Times’ spin in breaking the story on Thursday under the headline: “At Justice Alito’s House, a ‘Stop the Steal’ Symbol on Display.” From the Old Gray Lady’s header, one would think the Alitos had displayed a banner brandishing the phrase outside their home.

But no, as the article soon acknowledged, it was an upside-down American flag seen flying outside the home where Justice Alito lives with his wife. And it was his wife who raised the flag — in protest of a neighbor displaying a profane yard sign, as we would soon learn.

The Times, though, quoted supposed ethics experts, including Amanda Frost, a law professor at the University of Virginia, to frame the hanging of an upside-down flag as a public declaration of “Stop the Steal.” This is “the equivalent of putting a ‘Stop the Steal’ sign in your yard,” Frost reportedly told The New York Times.

That’s quite the leap of logic — and one even the Times’ reporters refrained from making. (Frost did not respond to The Federalist’s request for comment). The Times instead left its readers to infer the upside-down flag professed a “Stop the Steal” sentiment by noting some of Trump’s supporters had inverted Old Glory in contesting the 2020 election results.

Plus: “The Times’ Thursday hit piece ignored that advisory opinion which made clear the Code of Conduct does not control Mrs. Alito’s behavior — and neither does Justice Alito.”

I AGREE THAT THIS IS ALMOST CERTAINLY A FIRST AMENDMENT VIOLATION: Apparent Suspension of Student Groups at Wisconsin for Pro-Hamas Chalking. “Note that, even if the government could forbid chalking in various places (and it’s not clear whether it can, at least as to public sidewalks), it can’t specially punish chalking that conveys particular views, including advocacy of foreign terrorist organizations and support for violence in foreign conflicts.”

Being pro-Hamas makes you garbage people, but garbage people have free speech rights too.

IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING IF “HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYERING” WAS A SCAM: Amal Clooney Played a Key Role in ICC Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu, Others. “The fact that Israel is accused of crimes against humanity when it is fighting for its survival against the internationally recognized terror organization that massacred Israelis and others on October 7, 2023, is unbelievable. Equating Israel and Hamas is unacceptable. How would any reasonable person argue that Israel is the same as Hamas unless that person was an anti-Israel, anti-Jew antisemitic? Is that a description of Clooney’s wife? . . . Does that mean ISIS is bad but Hamas is not? We truly live in an upside-down world. Israel is a country that values life. Israel goes out of its way to warn civilians in Gaza when attacks are imminent. Israel helps move Gazans to safety and it moves humanitarian aid into Gaza. It is Hamas that hijacks supply trucks while Gazans go without food, water, or other supplies.”

How would the United States have responded to a similar warrant naming FDR in World War Two? That should guide Israel’s response.

PAULA BOLYARD: Ann Coulter: Long COVID ‘Total B.S.’ Made Up by ‘Neurotic Liberal Women.’ “Well, good for you, Ann. I’m glad you haven’t had to deal with the effects of COVID long after being infected by the Wuhan virus. The fact that you don’t know any conservatives who have long COVID is perhaps more a reflection of who you hang out with than anything else. (Yeah, I said ‘Wuhan virus.’ Go ahead and demonetize this column, Google.*)”

It isn’t that Long COVID is a myth but its effects don’t seem to be any worse than those caused by other respiratory infections.